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the better weaver re-telling (myth)

Once upon a time, there was a young girl called Arachne. She had a pale rounded face, with blue eyes and long hair. She was very pretty. When most people went to school, she stayed by her big house; weaving. Most people didn’t approve, and said that her weaving was a waste of time and she should go and get educated. From sunrise, she sat on her big chair outside of her house and intersted string. She would weave till sunset, then have dinner. After dinner, she would read. But her ambition was weaving. She had visited many places of agriculture herself, even seen olypmus’s big statues and thought; “I can do better than that!”. Sadly, as this story took place in the 2000’s, most agricultural was lost. She had went to the Parthos once too, and saw the big statue of Athena. She had never seen her before, but she knew exactly how she looked now. She decied she was going to do way better. She was prideful, and always boasting about her skill. After years of following this skill, she became a really good weaver. One day, her best friend came over to her house and said;
“Wow Arachne!” She exclaimed. “That’s so pretty! Who tought you that? You must have been tought by Athena herself!”
It was half truth. She had gotten great inspirton from her works.
“No.” She replied pridefuly. “I’m self taught, yet I’m worlds best Weaver!”
Athena was watching, and she had gotten impainet from Arachne’s boasting, and got angry. “She thinks she can weave better than me?” She thought. “I’ll show her.”
Athena got down and said; “You think you can weave better than me? Let’s host a contest, shall we?”
Arachne tried to hide her anger. “Sure. And yes I can.”
A few days later, Athena showed up after noon. She was ready fight her with her skills. She walked in, with a pretty tapstery. “You see this?” Athena asked. “This is my worst work yet.” Arachne grabbed her worst work, which infact was very pretty. But not as good. She was very angry; and showed her best, and Athena did so too.
The winner was clear, and Athena looked at her. “How prideful! My work is loads better!” She moved her fingers, and Aranche was turned into a spider.
Aranche had a plan. She wanted revange. After months of moving around as a spider, she stole the statue of the Athena Pathos. She took even longer, but she traved to Rome and hid underground; adding many obscales near her just incase anyone wanted it back. She was done now, and she had gotten her revange. She used spider silk to countine weaving.

og myth:


hi! i'm inky, a teen blogger.

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